API ReferenceΒΆ


In order to keep the documentation concise and to the point, deprecated features have been omitted, though they still exist for backward compatibility.

All of SFML’s api has been exposed to Python, even if Python itself includes a functionally equivalent set of APIs. [1]

These bindings consist of a top-level sfml package which in-turn is composed of five modules, each of which correspond to those provided by the C++ API:

  • System

    Base module of SFML, defining various utilities.

  • Window

    Provides OpenGL-based windows, and abstractions for events and input handling

  • Graphics

    2D graphics module: sprites, text, shapes, ...

  • Audio

    Sounds, streaming (musics or custom sources), recording, spatialization.

  • Network

    Socket-based communication, utilities and higher-level network protocols (HTTP, FTP).


[1]For example, we provide bindings for SFML’s network module. Even Though such functionality can be found in Python’s socket module, we believe that its inclusion not only aids developers as they port their software from C++ to Python or vice-versa, but we also find SFML’s API more convenient in some cases (e.g. when obtaining a public IP address).