


Encapsulate an IPv4 network address.

IpAddress is an utility class for manipulating network addresses.

It provides a set of class methods and conversion attributes to easily build or transform an IP address from/to various representations.

Usage example:

ip0 = sf.IpAddress()                             # an invalid address
ip1 = sf.IpAddress.NONE                          # an invalid address (same as ip0)
ip2 = sf.IpAddress.from_string("")      # the local host address
ip3 = sf.IpAddress.BROADCAST                     # the broadcast address
ip4 = sf.IpAddress.from_bytes(192, 168, 1, 56)   # a local address
ip5 = sf.IpAddress.from_string("my_computer")    # a local address created from a network name
ip6 = sf.IpAddress.from_string("")    # a distant address
ip7 = sf.IpAddress.from_string("") # a distant address created from a network name
ip8 = sf.IpAddress.get_local_address()           # my address on the local network
ip9 = sf.IpAddress.get_public_address()          # my address on the internet

Note that IpAddress currently doesn’t support IPv6 nor other types of network addresses.


Value representing an empty/invalid address.


The “localhost” address (for connecting a computer to itself locally)


The “broadcast” address (for sending UDP messages to everyone on a local network)

classmethod from_string(string)

Construct the address from a string.

Here address can be either a decimal address (ex: “”) or a network name (ex: “localhost”).

Parameters:string (str) – IP address or network name
classmethod from_integer(integer)

Construct the address from an integer.

This constructor uses the internal representation of the address directly. It should be used for optimization purposes, and only if you got that representation from IpAddress.integer.

Parameters:integer (integer) – 4 bytes of the address packed into a 32-bits integer
classmethod from_bytes(b0, b1, b2, b3)

Construct the address from 4 bytes.

Calling IpAddress.from_bytes(a, b, c, d) is equivalent to calling IpAddress.from_string(“a.b.c.d”), but safer as it doesn’t have to parse a string to get the address components.

  • b0 (integer) – First byte of the address
  • b1 (integer) – Second byte of the address
  • b2 (integer) – Third byte of the address
  • b3 (integer) – Fourth byte of the address
Return type:


Get a string representation of the address.

The returned string is the decimal representation of the IP address (like “”), even if it was constructed from a host name.


Get an integer representation of the address.

The returned number is the internal representation of the address, and should be used for optimization purposes only (like sending the address through a socket). The integer produced by this function can then be converted back to a IpAddress with the proper constructor.

classmethod get_local_address()

Get the computer’s local address.

The local address is the address of the computer from the LAN point of view, i.e. something like It is meaningful only for communications over the local network. Unlike get_public_address(), this function is fast and may be used safely anywhere.

classmethod get_public_address([timeout])

Get the computer’s public address.

The public address is the address of the computer from the internet point of view, i.e. something like It is necessary for communications over the world wide web. The only way to get a public address is to ask it to a distant website; as a consequence, this function depends on both your network connection and the server, and may be very slow. You should use it as few as possible. Because this function depends on the network connection and on a distant server, you may use a time limit if you don’t want your program to be possibly stuck waiting in case there is a problem; this limit is deactivated by default.

Parameters:timeout (sfml.system.Time) – Maximum time to wait



Main exception defined for all socket exceptions. Most of socket’s method can potentially raise one of the three following exceptions and you’ll use this one to catch any of them in one except statement.


In blocking mode, the socket may raise this exception to warm you it has been disconnected.


In non-blocking mode, the socket will raise this exception if the socket is not ready to send/receive data yet.


In ** blocking mode**, the socket may raise this exception to warm you an unexpected error happened.



Base class for all the socket types.

This class mainly defines internal stuff to be used by derived classes.

The only public features that it defines, and which is therefore common to all the socket classes, is the blocking state. All sockets can be set as blocking or non-blocking.

In blocking mode, socket functions will hang until the operation completes, which means that the entire program (well, in fact the current thread if you use multiple ones) will be stuck waiting for your socket operation to complete.

In non-blocking mode, all the socket functions will return immediately. If the socket is not ready to complete the requested operation, the function simply raises the exception SocketNotReady.

The default mode, which is blocking, is the one that is generally used, in combination with threads or selectors. The non-blocking mode is rather used in real-time applications that run an endless loop that can poll the socket often enough, and cannot afford blocking this loop.


The socket has sent / received the data.


The socket is not ready to send / receive data yet.


The TCP socket has been disconnected.


An unexpected error happened.


Special value that tells the system to pick any available port.

The socket’s blocking state; blocking or non-blocking.



Specialized socket using the TCP protocol.

TCP is a connected protocol, which means that a TCP socket can only communicate with the host it is connected to.

It can’t send or receive anything if it is not connected.

The TCP protocol is reliable but adds a slight overhead. It ensures that your data will always be received in order and without errors (no data corrupted, lost or duplicated).

When a socket is connected to a remote host, you can retrieve informations about this host with the remote_address and remote_port attributes. You can also get the local port to which the socket is bound (which is automatically chosen when the socket is connected), with the local_port attribute.

Sending and receiving data can use only the low-level functions. The low-level functions process a raw sequence of bytes, and cannot ensure that one call to send() will exactly match one call to receive() at the other end of the socket.

The high-level interface is not implemented yet.

The socket is automatically disconnected when it is destroyed, but if you want to explicitly close the connection while the socket instance is still alive, you can call disconnect.

Usage example:

# --- the client ---
# create a socket and connect it to on port 55001
socket = sf.TcpSocket()
socket.connect(sf.IpAddress.from_string(""), 55001)

# send a message to the connected host
message = "Hi, I am a client".encode('utf-8')

# receive an answer from the server
answer = socket.receive(1024)
print("The server said: {0}".format(answer.decode('utf-8')))

# --- the server ---
# create a listener to wait for incoming connections on port 55001
listener = sf.TcpListener()

# wait for a connection
socket = listener.accept(socket)
print("New client connected: {0}".format(socket.remote_address))

# receive a message from the client
message = socket.receive(1024)
print("The client said: {0}".format(message.decode('utf-8')))

# send an answer
socket.send("Welcome, client".encode('utf-8'))

The port to which the socket is bound locally.

If the socket is not connected, its value is 0.


The address of the connected peer.

It the socket is not connected, its value IpAddress.NONE.

The port of the connected peer to which the socket is connected.

If the socket is not connected, its value is 0.

connect(remote_address, remote_port[, timeout])

Connect the socket to a remote peer.

In blocking mode, this function may take a while, especially if the remote peer is not reachable. The last parameter allows you to stop trying to connect after a given timeout. If the socket was previously connected, it is first disconnected.


SocketDisconnected, SocketNotReady or SocketError


Disconnect the socket from its remote peer.

This function gracefully closes the connection. If the socket is not connected, this function has no effect.


Send raw data to the remote peer.

This function will fail if the socket is not connected.

Raise:SocketDisconnected, SocketNotReady or SocketError
Parameters:data (bytes) – The sequence of bytes to send

Receive raw data from the remote peer.

In blocking mode, this function will wait until some bytes are actually received. This function will fail if the socket is not connected.


The received data’s length may be different from the asked length.

Raise:SocketDisconnected, SocketNotReady or SocketError
Parameters:size (integer) – Maximum number of bytes that can be received
Returns:A sequence of bytes
Return type:bytes



Specialized socket using the UDP protocol.

A UDP socket is a connectionless socket.

Instead of connecting once to a remote host, like TCP sockets, it can send to and receive from any host at any time.

It is a datagram protocol: bounded blocks of data (datagrams) are transferred over the network rather than a continuous stream of data (TCP). Therefore, one call to send will always match one call to receive (if the datagram is not lost), with the same data that was sent.

The UDP protocol is lightweight but unreliable. Unreliable means that datagrams may be duplicated, be lost or arrive reordered. However, if a datagram arrives, its data is guaranteed to be valid.

UDP is generally used for real-time communication (audio or video streaming, real-time games, etc.) where speed is crucial and lost data doesn’t matter much.

Sending and receiving data can only use the low-level functions. The low-level functions process a raw sequence of bytes. The high-level method is not implemented.

It is important to note that UdpSocket is unable to send datagrams bigger than MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE. In this case, it returns an error and doesn’t send anything.

If the socket is bound to a port, it is automatically unbound from it when the socket is destroyed. However, you can unbind the socket explicitly with the unbind() function if necessary, to stop receiving messages or make the port available for other sockets.

Usage example:

# --- the client ---
# create a socket and bind it to the port 55001
socket = sf.UdpSocket()

# send a message to on port 55002
message = "Hi, I am {0}".format(sf.IpAddress.get_local_address().string)
socket.send(message.encode('utf-8'), sf.IpAddress.from_string(""), 55002)

# receive an answer (most likely from, but could be anyone else)
answer, sender, port = socket.receive(1024)
print("{0} said: {1}".format(sender.string, answer.decode('utf-8')))

# --- the server ---
# create a socket and bind it to the port 55002
socket = sf.UdpSocket()

# receive a message from anyone
message, sender, port = socket.receive(1024)
print("{0} said: {1}".format(ip.string, message.decode('utf-8')))

# send an answer
answer = "Welcome {0}".format(sender.string)
socket.send(answer, sender, port)

The maximum number of bytes that can be sent in a single UDP datagram.


The port to which the socket is bound locally.

If the socket is not connected, its value is 0.


Bind the socket to a specific port.

Binding the socket to a port is necessary for being able to receive data on that port. You can use the special value Socket.ANY_PORT to tell the system to automatically pick an available port, and then get the chosen port via the attribute local_port.

Raise:SocketDisconnected, SocketNotReady or SocketError
Parameters:port (integer) – Port to bind the socket to

Unbind the socket from the local port to which it is bound.

The port that the socket was previously using is immediately available after this function is called. If the socket is not bound to a port, this function has no effect.

send(data, remote_address, port)

Send raw data to a remote peer.

Make sure that size is not greater than MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE, otherwise this function will fail and no data will be sent.


SocketDisconnected, SocketNotReady or SocketError

  • data (bytes) – The sequence of bytes to send
  • remote_address ( – Address of the receiver
  • port (integer) – Port of the receiver to send the data to

Receive raw data from a remote peer.

In blocking mode, this function will wait until some bytes are actually received. Be careful to use a buffer which is large enough for the data that you intend to receive, if it is too small then an error will be returned and all the data will be lost.

Raise:SocketDisconnected, SocketNotReady or SocketError
Parameters:size (integer) – Maximum number of bytes that can be received
Returns:A tuple with the sequence of bytes received, the remote address and the port used.
Return type:tuple (bytes,, integer)



Socket that listens to new TCP connections.

A listener socket is a special type of socket that listens to a given port and waits for connections on that port.

This is all it can do.

When a new connection is received, you must call accept and the listener returns a new instance of TcpSocket that is properly initialized and can be used to communicate with the new client.

Listener sockets are specific to the TCP protocol, UDP sockets are connectionless and can therefore communicate directly. As a consequence, a listener socket will always return the new connections as TcpSocket instances.

A listener is automatically closed on destruction, like all other types of socket. However if you want to stop listening before the socket is destroyed, you can call its close() function.

Usage example:

# create a listener socket and make it wait for new connections on port 55001
listener = sf.TcpListener()

# endless loop that waits for new connections
while running:
      client = listener.accept()

   except sf.SocketException as error:
      print("An error occurred! Error: {0}".format(error))

   # a new client just connected!
   print("New connection received from {0}".format(client.remote_address))

The port to which the socket is bound locally.

If the socket is not listening to a port, its value is 0.


Start listening for connections.

This functions makes the socket listen to the specified port, waiting for new connections. If the socket was previously listening to another port, it will be stopped first and bound to the new port.

Raise:SocketDisconnected, SocketNotReady or SocketError
Parameters:port (integer) – Port to listen for new connections

Stop listening and close the socket.

This function gracefully stops the listener. If the socket is not listening, this function has no effect.


Accept a new connection.

If the socket is in blocking mode, this function will not return until a connection is actually received.

Raise:SocketDisconnected, SocketNotReady or SocketError
Returns:Socket that holds the new connection